Mar 26, 2025  
2025-2026 College Catalog 
2025-2026 College Catalog

Degrees and Programs

College Transfer and Career Technical Programs

Transfer and Guaranteed Admission Agreements

Stackable Credentials

Academic Program List

Historic Triangle Programs

Student Outcomes and Assessments


Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), and Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) Degrees:

    College transfer programs are designed to include the first two years of a four-year program in arts and sciences and pre-professional programs meeting standards acceptable for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program. These programs are equal in content and quality to those provided in four-year, degree-granting institutions to facilitate the transfer of students from the community college to four-year colleges and universities. The transfer degrees awarded by Virginia Peninsula are: 

  • Associate of Arts degree (AA): A two-year degree program that parallels the first two years of a Bachelor of Arts degree at a four-year institution. Liberal studies focus on the fine arts, languages, literature, philosophy, humanities, and the development of critical thinking skills.  

  • Associate of Science degree (AS): A two-year degree program that parallels the first two years of a Bachelor of Science degree at a four-year institution. Courses focus on preparing students for entry into education, business, science, engineering, and social science fields.  

  • Associate of Fine Arts degree (AFA): A two-year degree program that prepares students for transfer to a four-year institution. Courses and programs focus on fine and/or performing arts disciplines. 

    In selecting courses, students are expected to follow the curriculum outline for their major and specialization. Students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university are urged to acquaint themselves with the requirements of the institution and major department to which they intend to transfer. With careful planning, students may be able to meet both general education requirements and prerequisites for the major with the same course(s), allowing greater flexibility in selecting electives. It is strongly recommended that students considering transferring seek assistance from our Academic Advising/College Transfer team, information available at Many Virginia Peninsula Community College courses are transferable as general electives even if they do not fulfill core requirements. Students completing these programs usually enter the transfer college or university with junior status.

Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degrees, Certificates, and Career Studies Certificates: 

     These programs are designed to meet the increasing regional demand for technicians, paraprofessionals, skilled craft workers, and specialized office workers in industry, business, government, and other professional fields. The curricula are planned primarily to meet the needs of workers in the region being served by the college. These programs normally require two years or less of training beyond high school to prepare students for success in meeting the demands of business, engineering, health, industry, service, and other technical and occupational fields. Associate degree programs might may also fulfill credits at the four-year college/university level. Visit and join the Transfer Virginia website to determine how credits earned at VPCC will be used to complete four-year requirements, and colleges that might best fit your needs.

  • The Associate of Applied Science Degree (A.A.S.) is awarded to students majoring in one of the career technical curricula and planning to obtain full-time employment immediately upon  graduation. 

  • Career-Studies Certificates prepare individuals for workforce credentials. The Career Studies  Certificate is an award representing less than one year of study (9-29 credits), designed to  provide training and prepare students for certification and/or immediate employment in a  number of technical fields.  

  • Certificate Programs prepare individuals for certifications and credentials. The Certificate is an  award representing one year of study (30-45 credits), designed to prepare students for entry-level positions and/or advancement in a variety of technical, semiprofessional, and skilled craft fields in business and industry.


   In selecting courses, students are expected to follow the curriculum outline for their program and specialization. Where appropriate, students may select from lists of approved courses provided by their division office to meet requirements in the major. It is strongly recommended that students seek assistance from our Academic Advising team.

Information is available at: Academic Advising Centers & Teams


Transfer and Guaranteed Admission Agreements

   Information about statewide transfer agreements, guaranteed admissions agreements, and other transfer opportunities can be found here: 



Academic Program List

The following is a list of all degree and certificate programs. Stackable credentials are listed under the associate degree program as applicable. 

Programs with ♦ are offered fully online and in-person.

Programs with ♦♦ are transfer programs.



Accounting & Finance


Administrative Support Technology


Aircraft Systems

Architectural Technology


Art & Photography


Automotive Technology


Business Administration & Management


Computer-Aided Drafting & Design Technology

Computer-Aided Drafting & Design Technology (727) Certificate  (**NOTE: Last Admit Term for Program was Fall 2024**) [Inactive] 


 Computer Science



Computer Technology

Criminal Justice & Paralegal Studies


Dental Hygiene

  • Dental Hygiene (118) Associate of Applied Science Degree - The AAS in Dental Hygiene Program is not enrolling students at this time. 


Digital Video


Early Childhood Education


Science, Specialization in Education (880-02) Associate of Science Degree (NOTE: Last Admit Term for Program was Fall 2024) [Inactive]
Science, Specialization in Math Education (880-03) Associate of Science Degree (NOTE: Last Admit Term for Program was Fall 2024) [Inactive]

Electrical Engineering Technology




Fine Arts


Fire/Emergency Medical Services and Dispatcher Education 


General Education


Graphic & Media Design


Health Science


Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, & Refrigeration 


Human Services


Legal Studies


Liberal Arts



Mechanical Engineering Technology

Technical Studies, Specialization in Engineering Technology (718-04) Associate of Applied Science Degree (NOTE: Last Admit Term for Program was Fall 2024) [Inactive]

Mechatronics & Machining 

Precision Machining Computer Numerical Controls (CNC) Technology (221-883-13) Career Studies Certificate [Inactive] 








Social Science


Teacher Preparation

Science, Specialization in Education (880-02) Associate of Science Degree (NOTE: Last Admit Term for Program was Spring 2025) [Inactive]
Science, Specialization in Math Education (880-03) Associate of Science Degree (NOTE: Last Admit Term for Program was Spring 2025) [Inactive]


Uniform Certificate of General Studies



Visual Arts


Historic Triangle Programs 

 (Some courses may be offered online.)

Dental Hygiene (118) Associate of Applied Science Degree - The AAS in Dental Hygiene Program is not enrolling students at this time. 


**Courses offered within these programs at Historic Triangle vary by semester, some courses may be offered online through e-campus. Students may also access any online program. Please check with your advisor for more information.**


Stackable Credentials

Stackable credential programs allow students to complete a short-term certificate and/or career studies certificate and receive the required credentials to begin employment in their desired field. Students can then continue their studies by completing additional courses to fulfill requirements in the same area of study toward an additional certificate or associate degree. Students may increase their opportunity for advancement and/or earning potential in their selected career field. while taking courses.









Student Outcomes Assessment Requirements

It is the Virginia Peninsula Community College’s responsibility to measure the effectiveness of academic services, which makes it necessary for students to take part in assessment activities such as exit interviews, surveys, licensure examinations, prepare portfolios, or complete an activity that demonstrates the achievement of program and/or general education competencies. In some instances, the College may select a group of students to participate in an assessment activity, while others may be assessed as part of course requirements.  Assessment information becomes part of the institution’s requirement for graduation.  All information remains confidential and may only be used by the College for the purpose of institutional improvement.

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