Uniform Certificate of General Studies (UCGS)
The Uniform Certificate of General Studies (UCGS) is a one-year college program in which all courses are transferable and satisfy lower-division general education requirements at any Virginia public institution of higher education. The Passport is a component of the UCGS and is therefore a subset of courses in the UCGS. The UCGS consists of seven course blocks. To satisfy the UCGS students are required to complete the appropriate number of courses in each block as described below. Student course selection should be carefully considered since the UCGS program is not designed to capture the complexities of individual programs of study at the four-year institutions. Students should be advised to take the UCGS course that best suits their intended program of study at the four-year institution. Only courses completed with a “C” or better after May 2020 (copied from the 12.6.21 SCHEV UCGS course roster) may be applied to the UCGS. https://www.transfervirginia.org/content/uniform-certificate-general-studies-ucgs-policy-and-courses
Passport Courses
The Passport is a college program in which all courses are transferable and satisfy lower-division general education requirements at any Virginia public institution of higher education. The Passport consists of course blocks assigned specific courses. To satisfy the Passport students are required to complete the appropriate number of courses in each course block per the directions below. Student course selection should be carefully considered since the Passport is not designed to capture the complexities of individual programs of study at the four-year institutions. Students should be advised to take the Passport that best suits their intended program of study at the four-year institution.Only courses completed with a “C” or better after May 2020 (copied from the 12.6.21 Passport course roster posted to SCHEV Policy) or later may be applied to the Passport. https://www.transfervirginia.org/content/passport-policy-and-courses
Approved Uniform Certificate of General Studies (UCGS) and Passport Course Roster
Unlinked courses are not offered at our College but may be offered within the VCCS and acceptable to fulfill UCGS requirements. Please make sure credits taken will satisfy transfer requirements of the intended four-year college/university.