Mar 26, 2025  
2025-2026 College Catalog 
2025-2026 College Catalog

Financial Information



Tuition and Fees     

Tuition rates are set by the State Board for Community Colleges and/or legislative actions and are subject to change. To confirm current tuition and fee rates, visit the Tuition and Fees website or contact 757-825-3560.

2024-2025  Academic Year

Tuition & Fees Virginia Resident Business Contract Rate Military Contract Rate Out of State Rate Military Rate (out of State domicile)
Tuition $165.40 $225.40 $165.40 $354.00 $165.40
Capital Fee $0.00 $26.00 $0.00 $26.00 $26.00
Safety/Parking Fee $2.44 $2.44 $2.44 $2.44 $2.44
Student Activity Fee $1.76 $1.76 $1.76 $1.76 $1.76
Total Per Credit Hour $169.60 $255.60 $169.60 $384.20 $195.60




Tuition and fees may be paid by check, money order, or credit card (VISA, American Express, MasterCard, or debit card). Checks and money orders must be for the exact amount made payable to Virginia Peninsula Community College. Cash payments are not accepted. For additional assistance or to pay by phone using a debt or credit card, call 757-825-3560. 

Tuition and fees may be paid online by logging into MyVPCC and selecting the Student Information System (SIS). Online payment methods include MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express, and ACH/e-check using either a checking or savings bank account.

Virginia Peninsula Community College offers affordable tuition payment plan options each semester. For more information regarding payment plan options, deadlines and how to apply, please visit the Tuition Payment Plan webpage. 

Visit the tuition and fees webpage to view tuition payment deadlines and class cancellation for non-payment schedules for each semester. 

Payment of tuition and fees also enables students to use the library, computer laboratory, and other College facilities. There are no special laboratory or library fees, but students are expected to pay charges for any school property (such as laboratory or shop equipment, supplies, library books, and materials) that are damaged or lost. 

All student accounts (with the Business Office, Bookstore, or library) must be paid in full before students can register for classes or receive degrees, certificates, or transcripts.

Sponsored Students

Sponsored students are required to have their sponsorship/tuition assistance verified in writing. It is the student’s responsibility to have a sponsor’s authorization provided to the Business Office no later than the date of registration.

Senior Citizens

Senior citizens may apply for free tuition and fees provided by the Senior Citizens Higher Education Act of 1974. Students at least sixty years of age who have been domiciled in Virginia for one year are eligible to enroll in non-credit courses or to audit credit courses for free. Additionally, if their federally taxable income did not exceed $23,850 for the year preceding enrollment, senior citizens may take courses for credit without cost. Taxable income documentation must be submitted to the Admissions Office. Senior citizens must complete the application for admission, Domicile Determination application, the Senior Citizens Student Tuition Agreement, and provide documentation to the Admissions Office, located in Griffin Hall, Room 208 in Hampton or to the Office of Student Services, 4601 Opportunity Way, Room 117 in Williamsburg. Tuition-paying students are accommodated first. Students approved for this waiver must register the day before the semester starts. The senior citizen tuition waiver does not pay for any course material or applied music fees.

Waived Tuition

Free tuition to state-supported institutions of higher learning is granted to eligible children (ages 16-29) of permanently disabled or deceased veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Eligibility requires that, for the children to be eligible, the disabled or deceased veteran must have been a resident of Virginia at the time of entry into the armed forces. Also, the veteran must have been a resident of Virginia for at least five years prior to the student’s date of application.

The amended section provides that free tuition and required fees be made available “from such funds as are appropriated for this purpose” for any child between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five whose parent has been killed in the line of duty while employed or serving as a law enforcement officer or firefighter or rescue squad member in Virginia. Certain conditions pertain to both entitlements, and students may contact the Veterans Affairs Office for further information.

Tuition Refunds Policy

Students enrolled in classes that are canceled, who officially withdraw from the college, or drop individual classes by the “drop with a refund” date using the process set forth in this college catalog, will receive a full refund, within six to eight weeks after the “drop with refund date”. Please refer to the academic calendar for the specific dates for each session.

  • Virginia Peninsula does not issue partial or pro-rated refunds.
  • If a class was paid by check, money order or credit/debit card in the Student Accounting Office, a refund will be processed to the student via direct deposit or check. Refund checks are mailed to the mailing address on file in Virginia Peninsula’s Student Information System (SIS). For more information on how to set up direct deposit, visit Student Refunds webpage. Students who paid with a credit/debit care in the Student Accounting Office may also contact the Student Accounting Office at 1-855-877-3945 to receive a refund back to the same card.  
  • If a class was paid using a credit/debit card in the online payment system, the refund will be batch processed back to the credit/debit card used. If payment was made using a bank account (ACH/e-check) in the online payment system, the refund will be processed to the student as direct deposit or check. 
  • Enrollment cancellation does not guarantee students will be dropped from class for non-payment of tuition.


Tel: 757-825-2864, visit Hampton or Williamsburg

The College contracts with Follett Higher Education Group to provide bookstore services to students, faculty, and staff. Textbooks, school supplies, college apparel, giftware, and other course-related materials are available. The bookstore’s operating hours are listed in the college schedule of classes, the bookstore’s web page, and on the voice mail system.

Books and Supplies

Students are expected to obtain their own books, supplies, and consumable materials needed in their studies.

Bookstore Refund Policy

Tel 757/825-2864 or visit Return Policy

Students have five days from the start of each semester or within two days of the date purchased to receive a full refund on textbooks purchased at the bookstore. All textbooks must be in original condition and/or shrink-wrap. All computer and electronic products must be returned unopened. All purchases made with a check must wait ten days for a cash refund. A valid receipt is required for any refund. In addition, upon proof of drop/add, the bookstore will accept course material returns (textbooks) from students who have dropped a course up to the end of the official drop/add period. No exceptions to this policy will be made.

Due to recent changes in Federal law governing credit usage, Virginia Peninsula Community College bookstore institutes the following credit card policy: All credit card purchases must be accompanied by card and card owner (name on credit card) at the time of purchase OR the cardholder must provide written permission detailing allowable charges and photocopies of front and back of card if card owner is not present. A photo ID must be provided at the time of sale. If you have any questions on this policy, please contact the bookstore at 757-825-2864.

Parking Services

Tel: 757-825-2766 or visit Parking Services

To provide for the security and safety of our students, all vehicles parked on campus must be registered and display a yearly parking permit. Students must abide by the rules and regulations as stated in the Virginia Peninsula Parking Rules, Regulations and Fines brochure or risk being ticketed, booted, or towed. Fines for violations of parking policies are paid at the Student Accounting Office. A hold will be placed on accounts for unpaid parking fines preventing students from registering for classes and receiving transcripts, as well as delaying refund checks. For additional information, visit Parking Permits.

Food Services

Tel: 757-826-8066

Subway, located in Kecoughtan Hall, provides hot and cold entrees. Food vending machines are available in Kecoughtan Hall, Diggs Hall, Hastings Hall, Hampton III, and at the Historic Triangle Campus.

Bad Checks, Returned ACH Payments, and Past-Due Obligations

Continued attendance at the College is dependent upon proper settlement of all debts owed to the institution. A check or ACH payment not honored by the bank on which it is drawn is considered to be a bad check/ACH, regardless of the reason initially provided by the bank. If the bad check/ACH results from a bank error, the bank must acknowledge this fact in writing before the student can be relieved of the obligation. A $35 processing fee will be imposed for each returned check submitted for tuition, bookstore, parking, library, and club fee charges. If the payment is for an account that has been submitted to collections, the processing fee is $50.00. Future payments must be made either by cash, money order, or credit card.

A student who has a financial obligation to the College, for any reason, beyond the due date, or who has books or materials outstanding from the Learning Resource Center beyond the due date will be denied all services, including the issuance of transcripts and permission to register. If the student’s obligation involves an unpaid bad check/ACH payment for tuition, the student may be dropped from all classes for non-payment. For all other outstanding obligations, it is established college policy to pursue the collection through the debt set-off program involving a student’s state tax refund and the use of a collection agency. If an obligation is sent to a collection agency, the student must pay the collection fee.

Paychecks of students in the College work-study program or employed by the College may be withheld until the obligation is paid or some other arrangement is established to satisfy the obligation.

Financial Aid Services

Tel: 855-877-3945

Virginia Peninsula Community College is committed to the belief that all eligible residents in its service area should have the opportunity to obtain a post-secondary education, regardless of their financial status. As a result, the College offers various financial aid programs for students who qualify. Such aid is funded through federal and state agencies, local organizations, businesses, and the college itself. There is an aid program for every income level. Please complete a FAFSA application (each year) on the following website:

Financial aid is any grant, scholarship, loan, or paid employment offered to students to help them meet education-related expenses. Grants and scholarships are regarded as “gift” aid and need not be repaid, although they may carry certain provisions to which a student must adhere. Loans and employment (work-study jobs) are referred to as self-help aid and require the student to fulfill an obligation in return (repay the loan or perform a job skill).

Most financial aid programs are based on the philosophy that the primary responsibility of paying college expenses rests with the student and his/her family. Therefore, most financial aid resources serve to supplement, rather than replace, the resources of the family. The College subscribes to this philosophy in administering its programs.

To qualify for federal and state financial aid and maintain your eligibility, you must:

  • Be accepted for admission to the College on a degree-seeking basis in a curriculum of at least 16 credits in length.
  • Be enrolled in good standing in at least one credit course and maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP).
  • Be a United States citizen, permanent resident of the United States or its trust territories, or an eligible non-citizen.
  • Not be in default on any student loan (Stafford, PLUS, SLS, or Perkins Loan).
  • Not owe a refund or overpayment on financial aid received at any institution of higher learning.
  • Have a high school diploma or GED.
  • Earn a grade point average equal to or greater than that specified in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
  • Pass at least 67% of the courses attempted as specified in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
  • Not exceed 1.5 times the number of credits required to graduate from your selected specified in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.
  • Not having a drug conviction while receiving aid.
  • If male between ages 18-25, must be registered with the Selective Service (required only for State Aid programs).

To Apply for Financial Aid

Students interested in applying for federal, state, and institutional financial assistance must adhere to the following steps:

  • Annually complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at The Federal Title IV School code for Virginia Peninsula Community College is 006871 (please make sure to list VPCC on your FAFSA application). 
  • Return any requested information and/or verification forms to the Financial Aid Office. This might include you and your parent’s (contributor(s)) federal income tax transcript, verification of citizenship status, verification of household size, Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), and other documents to confirm the information provided on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application. 

Priority deadlines by which the FAFSA must be completed for financial aid to be processed by the tuition deadlines are:

May 1 for Fall Semester
November 1 for Spring Semester
April 1 for Summer Semester

These dates are established for equitable distribution of limited state funds and to establish application dates by which students can expect that they will be awarded financial aid for which they are eligible in time to meet tuition deadlines.

Students who apply for financial aid and register for classes but decide not to attend must officially withdraw from college to avoid personal liability for any funds later awarded and charged for tuition, other institutional costs, and any funds received. Funds awarded are contingent on remaining fund balances. On occasion, due to funding reduction and other changes, an award is made to a student for which funds are no longer available. Awards for which there are no remaining funds will be canceled.

Summer Aid

We have limited funds for the summer semester. Students who have remaining Pell Grant Funds will automatically be awarded for the summer. Students who did not receive a full-time (12 or more credits) award for the fall and spring semesters, will have remaining Pell Grant Funds. Students who decide to attend this summer and want to be considered for a student loan will need to complete the Federal Direct Student Loan Form for the summer. The loan request form can be found on the VPCC Student Forms website under Financial Aid Forms. The following are important steps/items to understand when seeking summer financial aid: 

  • Please let us know if you have attended another institution during the academic year (Fall or Spring) as it may affect your eligibility for summer grants and loans. 
  • Register for summer classes as soon as possible to ensure you get the best schedule of classes. 
  • Remember that Pell Grant awards are locked at the enrollment that is posted as of the 10-week session’s last date to add a class. Students who add any classes after this date will not receive additional Pell Grant dollars.
  • Registering for all of your summer classes during the 10-week and 8-weeks sessions is encouraged. This will allow us to process refunds in a timely manner. Selecting 5-week or Dynamic dated classes could delay refunds.
  • Financial Aid will send emails regarding the dates to allow financial aid students to charge their books and supplies at the Virginia Peninsula Bookstore for the summer semester. Please adhere to this schedule and note that even if classes are dynamic dated for summer, students can only charge their books and supplies to their financial aid during these specific dates.
  • To avoid waiting in line at the bookstore, we strongly urge students to use the online service available at the bookstore. Students can use their financial aid up to $1,300 to purchase their books and supplies.

Return of Title IV Funds When a Student Withdraws

Students receiving financial aid who withdraw or stop attending will, in most cases, be required to return a portion of the financial aid received. Therefore, please refer students who are withdrawing or cease to attend classes to meet with Financial Aid or Military & Veteran Services for financial guidance. The Higher Education Act, as reauthorized and signed into law on October 7, 1998, established the Return of Title IV Funds Policy. 

The concept behind the policy is that the college and the student can retain only the amount of Title IV (federal) aid and state aid earned. If a student withdraws or stops attending classes, a portion of the aid received is considered unearned and must be returned to the Title IV programs from. For Title IV purposes, the last date of attendance is one of the following 1) the date the formal withdrawal process begins, 2) the date the student otherwise gives official notice of intent to withdraw (i.e., letter, phone call, email, verbally in-person), and 3) the mid-point of the term, or the last documented date of attendance in an academically related activity (i.e., documented attendance in a class or lab or submission of an assignment in a video course). If a student attends through 60% of the term, all Title IV aid is considered earned.

The Title IV programs that are covered by this policy are Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans, Subsidized Federal Direct Loans, Federal Plus Loans, Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Opportunity Grants (SEOG), Commonwealth Grants (COMA), VGAP Grants, and in some cases, other state aid grants, GEAR UP Grants and SSS Grants to students.

When a financial aid recipient of federal and/or state aid withdraws or stops attending classes during an enrollment period, the amount of financial aid earned is determined by a specific formula that uses the first day of class through the last day of exams and the student’s reported last day of attendance. If a student received less assistance than the amount earned, the excess funds must be returned by the College as determined by the calculation. The amount of assistance earned is determined on a pro rata basis.

For example, if a student completed 30% of the enrollment period, the student will have earned 30% of the aid he/she was originally scheduled to receive. Once a student completes more than 60% of the enrollment period, the student has earned all the aid that he/she was scheduled to receive for that time. If a student does not receive all the aid that was earned, the student may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement. The College may automatically apply all or a portion of the student’s post-withdrawal disbursement to outstanding charges for tuition and fees.

Once the College determines the dollar amounts and which individual aid programs must be repaid, the student will be notified of any amounts he/she owes. Any amount of unearned grant funds that a student must return is called an overpayment. Students must arrange to return the unearned grant funds. Funds that must be returned by the student to the loan programs can be paid in full in accordance with normal loan repayment terms. Unpaid balances will be turned over to the Commonwealth for collection. Until overpayments are repaid or satisfactory arrangements to repay have been made, the student will be ineligible for further Title IV aid at any institution.

Before withdrawing or stopping attendance in classes, the student should be aware of the proper procedure for withdrawing from classes and the consequences of either withdrawing or stopping attendance. Official withdrawal is always the responsibility of the student and questions regarding withdrawal should be discussed with the student’s Academic Advisor or the Registrar’s Office.

Requirements for Title IV program funds are separate from the College refund policy.

How to Use Financial Aid

Students may charge tuition and fees to most financial aid accounts. Students are sent an email to their VCCS (Virginia Community College System) address regarding book charge instructions each term. All funds not used for tuition, fees, and books are refunded to students. Financial Aid award notifications are emailed to students, and you may also view this information by logging into their account at MyVPCC (Student Service Center).  The Financial Aid Office uses the VCCS email address given to students.

Financial Aid Programs at Virginia Peninsula

Federal Pell Grant Program

The Pell Grant Program, the largest grant program available, is a federal need-based grant. Eligibility is determined by the results of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The amount of the grant is based on the Student Aid Index (SAI) and number of credit hours enrolled. All students who do not have a bachelor’s degree are automatically considered for this grant. Awards are made throughout the year. The Department of Education may adjust this figure yearly. 

Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

A student who is not eligible for a Pell Grant, but whose parent or guardian was a member of the U.S. Armed Forces and dies as a result of service performed in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 11, 2001, may be eligible to receive the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant. Eligible students must be under 24 years of age or enrolled in college at least half-time at the time of the parent’s or guardian’s death. The grant is equal to the amount of the maximum Pell Grant for the award year - not to exceed the cost of attendance for that award year. 

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

The FSEOG program provides federal funds to the College for making awards to students with exceptional need. Students attending at least half-time are eligible for FSEOG. FSEOG awards are made on a rolling basis. The amounts of FSEOG awards vary depending on the need, other aid offered, and the amount of funds appropriated. FSEOG is awarded until funds are exhausted.

Commonwealth Award (COMA) and Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program (VGAP)

The COMA and the VGAP awards are administered by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). The College is allocated funds to award in-state students who have remaining need. COMA awards are made to students enrolled in at least 6 credit hours. (COMA awards cover tuition and fees.) VGAP awards are made to dependent full-time students who graduated from a Virginia high school with a minimum 2.5 GPA, who have no prior college, and who maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA while attending the College. (VGAP awards cover tuition, fees, and assist with the cost of books.) Awards are made on a rolling basis. COMA and VGAP are awarded until funds are exhausted. 

Get Skilled, Get a Job, Get Ahead Program (G3)

The G3 grants offered to Virginia state residents cover up to tuition, fees, and a book allowance minus any other grant aid. This includes all forms of federal, state, and institutional grants in addition to tuition waivers, Chapter 33, and employer tuition reimbursement. Books cannot exceed $500 per term for full-time attendance and will be prorated to $375 for three-quarters and $250 for half-time.

Part-time Tuition Assistance Program (PTAP)

The PTAP is a Virginia Community College System (VCCS) grant offered to Virginia state residents who register for at least one credit. The grant will pay for tuition and fees. It does not include books. PTAP is awarded until all funds are exhausted.

Virginia Community College System (VCCS) Supplemental Grant

The VCCS Grant is a Virginia Community College System grant offered to students who are Virginia state residents who have remaining need and are registered for six (6) or more credits. The grant will pay tuition and fees. VCCS Grant is awarded until funds are exhausted.

Tuition Grant Program (TGP)

The TGP provides tuition and fees and is available to foster youth, former foster youth and special needs adoptees who have a high school diploma or GED. Students must be enrolled in at least six (6) credits to be eligible, meet satisfactory academic progress standards and demonstrate financial need.

Federal Work-Study Program (FWS)

Under the FWS program, the College receives federal funds to provide on-campus and off-campus employment opportunities to a limited number of students with demonstrated need who are enrolled in at least one credit and are in good academic standing. Although it is not always possible to do so, every attempt is made to place students in jobs that match their academic majors, skills, past experiences, and/or desired areas of employment. Students may not work more than 20 hours per week while classes are in session and 29 hours per week when classes are not in session. Students may never exceed 8 hours per day. Students work at $12.00 per hour, and payment is made by the Human Resources office of the College biweekly. Students are hired on a rolling basis. FWS is awarded until funds are exhausted. 

Federal Direct Loan Program (FDLP)

The FDLP provides eligible students with loans for their freshman and sophomore year. Loans made under the Federal Stafford Student Loan Program are low-interest, long-term loans. A student must be enrolled in at least 6 credits.

Students with financial need can obtain a subsidized Stafford Loan. This means the U.S. Department of Education will pay the interest charges to your lender on your behalf if you remain enrolled in at least a half-time basis (6 or more credits) and during a six-month period following enrollment (grace period). At the end of the grace period, repayment of the loan must begin, and interest begins to accrue to the student borrower. Repayment may extend up to ten (10) years, but borrowers must make payments of at least $50 per month. Students who do not qualify for the subsidized need-based Stafford Loan can obtain an unsubsidized non-need-based loan. Unlike the subsidized loan, the student is responsible for the interest obligation while enrolled. The student, while enrolled on at least a half-time basis (6 or more credits), may pay interest only or have the interest capitalized (added to the principal).  Federal law states that first-time loan borrowers must complete an Entrance Loan Counseling session. As part of our Debt Management Program, Virginia Peninsula Community College provides all borrowers with an online interactive service that helps students gain knowledge about student loans, car loans, buying or renting a place, credit card debt, budgeting, and investing. More information about the financial wellness tool is available by visiting Financial Aid.

Student loan repayment begins six months after a student leaves school because of graduation, other reasons, or drops below half-time level. Loan Request Forms are available online or in the Financial Aid Office. All loan applicants must have completed a FAFSA and may not have defaulted on prior loans or have excessive existing student loan debt. Students may not borrow more than the cost of their education minus their student aid index (SAI) and other financial aid awarded. The Financial Aid office must approve all federal loans and reserves the right to refuse loan applications due to academic deficiency or evidence that a student may have difficulty managing loan debt.  

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

The Federal Direct PLUS Loan program is a non-need-based source of loan funds to the parent(s) of dependent students. Federal Direct PLUS loans may be used with the Federal Direct Stafford Loans. Each year, parents of dependent students may borrow an amount equal to the cost of attendance less any financial aid including any federal loans. Repayment begins immediately unless the parent borrower is enrolled in college on at least a half-time basis. The interest rate is variable. Applications are available by visiting Student Forms and selecting the correct form. The PLUS loan is only available to parents. Guardians and grandparents are ineligible. 

Other Financial Aid Programs

Scholarship Opportunities at Virginia Peninsula

The Virginia Peninsula Community College Educational Foundation offers several scholarships to the College’s students. These scholarships recognize outstanding performance and assist students in receiving a quality education. The scholarship’s availability depends on continued participation by the private donors/agencies and the earnings of the endowed scholarship fund investments. Scholarships are designed to meet the needs of graduating high school seniors, entering first-year students, and returning students. They are available for either part- or full-time students. All scholarship funds will be used to pay tuition, fees, and books at the College only. Any monies remaining at the end of the semester(s) will be returned to the Virginia Peninsula Community College Educational Foundation. 

Prior to submitting a Foundation Scholarship Application, students must:

  • Apply for admission to Virginia Peninsula Community College.
  • Enroll in a curriculum at Virginia Peninsula Community College.
  • Complete the annual Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  • Be registered for classes for the current term or for an upcoming term at the College.

Federal Student Aid 

Students do not need to apply for financial aid to receive certain scholarships. Students need to apply for financial aid if the scholarship lists a financial need requirement. Use the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) website to apply and call the Financial Aid Office at 1-855-877-3945 with any questions. 

  • Complete an online Foundation Scholarship Application. Use your MyVPCC username and password to log in. 
  • Write your scholarship application essay. The essay is a critical part of the process because often, scholarship committees value the content in student essays more than GPAs (Grade Point Average). Explain your educational and career goals. Tell the committee how receiving scholarship assistance would help you reach your educational goals. Make sure your essay is grammatically correct. Check to make sure you respond to all specific questions if required.   
  • High school applicants, for letters of recommendation, select a current teacher and guidance counselor who knows you and your accomplishments well. Make sure you give those you have asked for recommendation letters sufficient time to complete them. Obtain an email address from your references so that they may respond to your request. 
  • Students who receive financial aid grants or loans must report all public and private scholarship aid to the Financial Aid Office. 

Standards of Academic Progress for Financial Aid Programs

The Standards of Academic Progress for financial aid recipients was designed to promote student retention for all students at the College who receive financial aid and to comply with federal and/or state regulations regarding financial aid eligibility in relation to qualitative and quantitative measures of academic achievement. All students applying for financial assistance must meet the standards of academic progress listed in this policy.

Maximum Hours (150% Rule): In order to continue receiving financial aid, a student must complete his/her program of study before attempting 150% of the credits required for that degree or certificate program. Developmental and English as a Second Language (ESL) coursework are excluded from this calculation. Attempted credits from all enrollment periods at VPCC, plus all accepted transfer credits, are counted; whether the student received financial aid for those terms is of no consequence. Students failing to meet SAP due to reaching the maximum credit hours (150%) must appeal and provide an academic plan for the remaining courses required to complete the additional degree program. If the program is not completed within an approved timeframe (approved by the Financial Aid Office), the student will lose financial aid eligibility and may not be granted future appeals. 

Monitoring Academic Progress

Students who participate in state and/or federal financial aid programs are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled, as scheduled, and to put forth their best effort toward academic achievement in all coursework. Additionally, all students who participate in financial aid programs must be enrolled in an eligible curriculum (16 credits in length or longer) and cannot have attempted more than 150% of the number of credits at the College (including transfer credits which apply toward the declared degree). Developmental courses are excluded from this calculation. For the average 65 credit, 2-year degree, students become ineligible for additional aid after attempting 97 credits. The number of allowable credits is less for shorter programs. Students should plan academic programs and schedules carefully. Financial aid eligibility for developmental courses is limited to 30 credits of course attempts. Academic records of all degree and certificate seeking financial aid recipients are reviewed at the end of each semester to ensure that satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is being met. 

In all cases, students must demonstrate positive movement toward graduation from an approved curriculum as measured both qualitatively (grades) and quantitatively (percentage of courses completed successfully). No financial aid benefits can be given for course audits at registration.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The following minimum GPA standards must be achieved to maintain financial aid eligibility:

  • Students who have attempted at least 13 credit hours must maintain at least a 1.5 cumulative GPA.
  • Students who have attempted at least 25 credit hours must maintain at least a 1.75 cumulative GPA.
  • Students who have attempted at least 48 credit hours must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0.

Students must have earned a 2.0 overall GPA by the time they have attempted 75% of their program. Developmental courses are not included in this calculation. Repeated courses are included in this calculation in accordance with the College’s academic standards of progress. 

Unsuccessful Course Attempts and Academic Progression

Grades of “F”, “I”, “W”, “X” and “U” are considered unsuccessful course attempts. Excessive unsuccessful course attempts will result in loss of financial aid eligibility. Excessive unsuccessful course attempts are defined as failure to complete a minimum of 67% of all courses attempted. All courses attempted are included in this calculation. Student course completion rates are reviewed once a student has attempted 50% of the coursework for their program of study or 24 credit hours (whichever comes first).

Loss of Eligibility

The Financial Aid Office will attempt to notify students who have not maintained satisfactory academic progress through their VCCS email. However, students are responsible for keeping track of their academic progress after each term. Failure to receive notice is not a valid reason to have financial aid reinstated or to have the appeal deadline extended. Students may appeal their financial aid suspension prior to the beginning of each term. Academic records of returning students for any academic term applying for financial aid are reviewed to determine if they meet eligibility requirements. Financial aid suspension should not be confused with academic suspension, which is suspension from the College. Students on financial aid suspension may still attend the College but will no longer receive financial aid. 

Academic records of returning students for any academic term applying for financial aid are reviewed to determine if they meet eligibility requirements. Financial aid suspension should not be confused with academic suspension, which is suspension from the College. Students on financial aid suspension may still attend the College but will no longer receive financial aid.  

Students placed on financial aid suspension are not reinstated until they meet minimum GPA, and course completion rate standards for the number of credits attempted. The student is responsible for requesting that the financial aid staff review their academic progress.  

Appeal of Loss of Eligibility

If students have mitigating circumstances, (i.e., death in family or personal illness) they may appeal suspension of financial aid. Students who appeal suspension should submit the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form, present a documented letter indicating reasons for not maintaining satisfactory academic progress and submit documentation that supports their circumstances. Reinstated students must meet specific conditions to maintain eligibility for financial aid assistance. 

The Financial Aid Standards of Progress are subject to change. Please visit the Satisfactory Academic Progress area of our website, for updated information. Appeals may be submitted using the Virginia Peninsula Community College SAP Appeal Form.

Refunds, Credits, and Reinstatement as a Result of Military Service

Pursuant to 23-9.6:2 of the Code of Virginia, and corresponding State Council on Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) Guidelines, Virginia Peninsula Community College has developed this policy providing for the tuition relief, refund, and reinstatement of students whose service in the uniformed services has required their sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from their enrollment. Service in the uniformed services is defined as service (whether voluntary or involuntary) on active duty in the Armed Forces, including such service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, for a period of more than 30 days under call or order to active duty of more than 30 days. Virginia Peninsula College shall provide the following: 

Tuition and Required Fees
Should a student be ordered to active duty (for reservists) or be mobilized (active military) as described in the Code of Virginia, Section 23-9.6:2 and the State Council’s Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines and he/she requests to be withdrawn from the college after the census date, the student may elect either to be deleted from the registration file and be awarded a full refund or to be administratively withdrawn with no refund and assigned a grade of “W”. This policy also applies to refunds of Miscellaneous Education fees, General Program fees, Deposits, Auxiliary Services fees, and Student Activity fees to students. 

Virginia Peninsula Community College shall provide, at the option of the student refunds of deposits to be retained and to be applicable to tuition and fees charged in the semester or term in which the student returns to study. 

Virginia Peninsula Community College shall process refunds for textbooks according to contractual arrangement with local vendors. 

Academic Credits and Grades
Students who are called to active duty or are mobilized, meaning serving in the uniformed services, as described in Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines, will have the opportunity to receive an incomplete grade (“I”) until released from active duty (for reservists) or mobilization (for active military personnel). All course requirements shall be completed within one year from the date of release from active duty or mobilization. 

Students may be given the option of taking their examinations prior to regularly scheduled times as an exception to VCCS policy 5.6.1 in accordance with the Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines. 

Careful consideration will be given, and special options are available for students who receive student financial aid or Veterans Administration benefits. 

Virginia Peninsula Community College shall provide, at the student’s option, deposits to be retained and to be applicable to tuition, or fees charged in the semester or term in which the student returns to study. 

Students who are called to active duty or are mobilized will be provided a reasonable opportunity to be reinstated in the same programs of study without having to re-apply for admission if they return to Virginia Peninsula Community College after a cumulative absence of not more than five years so long as the student provides notice of intent to return to the institution not later than three years after the completion of the period of service. 

Dissemination of Information
In accordance with the requirements of the Code of Virginia, Section 23-9.6:2, and the Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines, Virginia Peninsula Community College will make every effort to ensure that the aforementioned VCCS policies relative to tuition relief, refund, academic credit, and reinstatement are well disseminated and carefully explained. Virginia Peninsula Community College has designated the VP (Vice President) for Student Affairs as the office to ensure that these policies are properly disseminated and administered.