Benefits for Veterans
Dissemination of Information
Establish Eligibility and Receive Benefits
Overview of Veterans Affairs Educational Benefits
Refunds, Credits, and Reinstatement as a Result of Military Service
Standards of Progress
VA Education Programs
- Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship
- Montgomery GI Bill, Active Duty, Chapter 30
- Montgomery GI Bill, Selected Reserve, Chapter 1606
- Post 9/11 GI Bill, Chapter 33
- Post 9/11 GI Bill, Transfer Entitlement, Chapter 30
- Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program, Chapter 35
- Tuition Assistance and Tuition Assistance Top-Up
- Veterans Education Assistance Program, Chapter 32
- Veterans Readiness & Employment, Chapter 31
Veteran Services Policy and Procedures
Veterans Benefits
This institution is approved to offer GI Bill® educational benefits by the Virginia State Approving Agency.
Active-duty service members, veterans, and their qualified dependents may be eligible for Veterans Affairs (VA) educational benefits authorized under specific chapters of Title 38 of the U.S. Code. The Military & Veterans’ Services Office provides specialized customer services and information to assist students in establishing eligibility for and receipt of VA educational benefits. This office cannot determine eligibility but can assist in the submission of applications and supporting documents. Only the Department of Veterans Affairs can determine student eligibility for benefits. The primary function of this office is to certify and report enrollment information to the VA to facilitate the receipt of benefits by eligible students.
The Virginia State Approving Agency (SAA) is the approving authority of education and training programs for Virginia. The SAA office investigates complaints of GI Bill® beneficiaries. While most complaints should initially follow the school grievance policy, if the situation cannot be resolved at the school, the beneficiary should contact the SAA via email,
“GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website.
Veterans Services Policy and Procedure for VA Education Benefits

Students who wish to utilize VA Education Benefits must submit a Certification Request for VA Education Benefits form to Military & Veterans Services each semester. New students or currently enrolled students using VA Education Benefits for the first time, must also submit confirmation of application for benefits, or a Certificate of Eligibility. The VA will issue a Certificate of Eligibility after processing the VA Application. This Certificate of Eligibility must be submitted to Virginia Peninsula’s Military & Veterans Services Office upon receipt.
Students using Veterans Readiness & Employment (Chapter 31, VR&E) benefits, must have their authorization sent to Military & Veteran Services by their VRE Counselor each semester.
For students using Chapter 33 Post 9-11, Chapter 33 Transfer of Entitlement, Fry Scholarship, or Chapter 31 VR&E, a VA Hold will be placed on the student’s account upon receipt of the Certification Request to prevent courses from being dropped due to non-payment. If the Certification Request for VA Education Benefits Form has not been received by Virginia Peninsula’s Military & Veteran Services Office before the posted tuition and fees deadline, the student’s enrollment will be canceled due to failure to submit required documentation to establish use of VA Education benefits for the corresponding semester. The student will be required to re-enroll at that time.
For students who are recipients of Chapter 30, MGIB-AD, Chapter 1606, MGIB-SR or Chapter 35 (Dependents Educational Assistance) benefits, a method of payment must be established before submitting the Certification Request for VA Education Benefits to Military & Veterans Services. These benefits pay the student a monthly stipend; however, the VA does not pay the school for tuition and fees. Once the student has established a valid method of payment, the Certification Request for VA Education Benefits must be completed.
Once the Military & Veteran Services Office has received the Certification Request, a School Certifying Official will review the request and submit the Enrollment Certification to the VA accordingly. In the event any issues are found that would prevent certification, the student will be contacted via the student’s school email.
Virginia Peninsula Community College will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a student using Chapter 33 or Chapter 31 Benefits borrow additional funds, on any covered individual because of the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement funding from VA under chapter 31 or 33. Any outstanding balance remaining 90 days after the date the institution certified tuition and fees or after the date on which payment from the VA is made to Virginia Peninsula Community College, may be considered a student debt to Virginia Peninsula Community College. Students who are not eligible for Chapter 33 benefits at the 100% level are required to pay the remaining percentage to Virginia Peninsula Community College.
Overview of Veterans Affairs (VA) Educational Benefits
There are various Veterans Affairs (VA) educational programs available, all of which have their own unique qualifying criteria and rates of payment. Depending on the benefits, the student may be eligible to receive a monthly housing allowance and have their tuition and fees paid by the VA; payment of tuition and fees are the responsibility of the student if their benefit does not cover the cost of attendance. Eligible students may apply for advance payment of benefits. The benefit amount is determined, based on number of credits in which a student is enrolled during the term. Since the number of credits determines the payment amount, it is essential that students immediately report all changes in enrollment (drops/adds) to the college’s Military & Veterans’ Services Office.
Establish Eligibility and Receive Benefits
The Military & Veterans Services Office provides services necessary to establish eligibility for the VA education program. To establish eligibility with the college, students are required to provide a copy of their VA issued Certificate of Eligibility. Students may apply for VA education benefits and, if already applied, access their eligibility information at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Once a student’s eligibility has been established, students must submit a Certification Request for VA Education Benefits form to the Military & Veterans Services Office for enrollment to be reported to the VA. The Certification Request for VA Education Benefits form is available through SIS. Continuing students, those currently receiving benefits at Virginia Peninsula Community College, may submit their request after enrolling in subsequent semesters to the Military & Veteran Services Office by completing the Military Benefits Certification e-Form found within SIS.
VA Education Programs
The Post 9/11 GI Bill®, Chapter 33
The Post 9/11 GI Bill® provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill®.
The Post 9/11 GI Bill® became effective for training on or after August 1, 2009. The amount of support individuals may qualify for depends on the student’s percentage of eligibility as established by the VA, the location of the campus at which the student is taking a majority of courses, student’s rate of pursuit, and type of degree being pursued. Those utilizing this benefit will also receive a stipend for books and supplies, up to $1000 per fiscal year (August 1 - July 31).
Approved training under the Post 9/11 GI Bill® includes graduate and undergraduate degrees, and vocational/technical training. All training programs must be offered by an institution of higher learning (IHL) and approved for GI Bill® benefits. Additionally, tutorial assistance, licensing and certification test reimbursement are approved under the Post 9/11 GI Bill®. Pamphlets and fact sheets about the Post 9/11 GI Bill® can be found at
The Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (MGIB-AD), Chapter 30
The MGIB-AD program provides up to 36 months of education benefits. This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training, and correspondence courses. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following a student’s release from active duty. Vietnam-era veterans with remaining entitlement under Chapter 34 may also receive benefits under this chapter. Further information can be found online at
Veterans Readiness & Employment (VR&E), Chapter 31
The VA’s Veteran Readiness & Employment Service is an employment benefit that provides vocational counseling or special rehabilitation services to service-connected disabled veterans and dependents of veterans who meet certain program eligibility requirements. The VA will normally pay training expenses including tuition and fees, necessary books, supplies, and equipment. Benefits also include a monthly subsistence allowance. Additional information can be found online at
Veterans Education Assistance Program (VEAP), Chapter 32
VEAP is available for students who first entered active duty between January 1, 1977, and June 30, 1985, and elected to make contributions from military pay to participate in this education benefit program. Contributions are matched on a $2 for $1 basis by the government. This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training and correspondence courses. Further information can be found online at
Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program (DEA), Chapter 35
The DEA provides educational and training opportunities to eligible dependents of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition, or who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition. The program offers up to 36 months of educational benefits, which may be used for degree and certificate programs, apprenticeship, and on-the-job training. Spouses may take correspondence courses under this chapter. Additional information can be found online at
The Montgomery GI Bill®-Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR), Chapter 1606
The MGIB-SR program may be available to students if they are a member of the Selected Reserve. The Selected Reserve includes the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard, and the Air National Guard. This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training, and correspondence courses. Further information can be found online at MGIB-SR, Chapter 1606.
The Post 9/11 GI Bill® Transfer of Entitlement (TOE), Chapter 33
Active-duty service members, based on approval by the Department of Defense, may transfer all or a portion of unused Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits to the spouse and dependents. The amount of support individuals may qualify for depends on the student’s percentage of eligibility as established by the VA, the location of the campus at which the student is taking a majority of courses, student’s rate of pursuit, and type of degree being pursued. Spouses of Active-Duty Service Members are not eligible for the monthly housing stipend. Students utilizing this benefit will also receive a stipend for books and supplies, up to $1000 per fiscal year (August 1 - July 31). Further information can be found online at
Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship
The Fry Scholarship provides Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits to children and surviving spouses of Service Members who died in the line of duty while on active duty after September 10, 2001. This benefit pays tuition and fee charges directly to the college. Beneficiaries also qualify for a monthly housing stipend based on rate of pursuit and will receive a stipend for books and supplies, up to $1000 per fiscal year (August 1 - July 31). Additional information can be found online at
Tuition Assistance and Tuition Assistance Top-Up

Tuition Assistance “Top-Up” benefits are equal to the difference between the total cost of a college course and the amount of tuition assistance that is paid by the military. Tuition Assistance (TA) and Tuition Assistance Top-Up are not administered through this office; students must request benefits for these programs through their unit’s education services offices. When received from their unit’s educational services office, students submit TA authorization forms directly to the Virginia Peninsula Cashier’s Office for payment of tuition only. Fees are the student’s responsibility.
Standards of Progress
The Department of Veterans Affairs requires that students receiving educational benefits maintain satisfactory progress. This office is required to submit notification of unsatisfactory progress to the VA when a student is placed on academic suspension or dismissal. VA Education benefits can be certified at Virginia Peninsula College while a student is on Academic Suspension as long as he or she has completed the Application for Admission or Readmission after Academic Suspension or Dismissal and has received approval by the College to enroll for future terms.
Additional Benefits Available to Eligible Students
Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP)
The Military Survivors and Dependents Program (VMSDEP) provides educational benefits to spouses and children of military service members killed, missing in action, taken prisoner, or who became at least 90 percent disabled as a result of military service in an armed conflict. Military service includes service in the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserves, the Virginia National Guard, or the Virginia National Guard Reserves. Armed conflict includes military operations against terrorism or as the result of a terrorist act, a peace-keeping mission, or any armed conflict after December 6, 1941. This program waives tuition and fees in Virginia. Benefits are available for up to four years.
To be eligible, children and spouses of qualifying military service members must meet the following requirements.
- The child must be between ages 16 and 29; there are no age restrictions for spouses.
- The military service member must have been a Virginia citizen at the time he or she entered active duty or must have been a Virginia citizen for at least five years immediately prior to the date of the application for admission.
- In the case of a deceased military service member, the veteran’s surviving spouse can meet the residency requirements if he or she lived in Virginia for at least five years prior to marrying the military service member or has been a citizen of Virginia for at least five years immediately prior to the date of application.
Eligibility is determined by the Virginia Department of Veterans Services. Please contact them at 804-225-2083.
VA Work-Study Program
This program is available to any student receiving VA educational benefits who is attending school three-quarter (3/4) time or more. An individual working under this program may work at the school’s Military and Veterans Services Office, VA Regional Office, Financial Information VA Medical Facilities, or at an approved state employment office. Work-study students are paid at either the state or federal minimum wage, whichever is greater. The student must contact the school, medical facility, or employment office at which employment is desired to determine if positions are available prior to applying.
Tutorial Assistance Program
Assistance may be available to those who are eligible under Chapters 30, 32, 33, 35, and 1606 to aid student’s expenses when tutoring becomes necessary. The allowance is a supplement to the monthly educational assistance check and is paid without entitlement charge for those under Chapter 35. Entitlement for those under other chapters will be charged if the tutorial assistance exceeds $600.
Restored Entitlement Program for Survivors (REPS)
This program restores certain Social Security benefits that were reduced or terminated. The benefit is payable to certain spouses and school age children who are survivors of armed forces members who died while on active duty before August 12, 1981, or died from disabilities relative to active duty before this date.
Refunds, Credits, and Reinstatement as a Result of Military Service
Pursuant to 23-9.6:2 of the Code of Virginia, and corresponding State Council on Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) Guidelines, Virginia Peninsula Community College has developed this policy providing for the tuition relief, refund, and reinstatement of students whose service in the uniformed services has required their sudden withdrawal or prolonged absence from their enrollment. Service in the uniformed services is defined as service (whether voluntary or involuntary) on active duty in the Armed Forces, including such service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve, for a period of more than 30 days under call or order to active duty of more than 30 days. Virginia Peninsula shall provide for the following:
Tuition and Required Fees
Should a student be ordered to active duty (for reservists) or be mobilized (active military) as described in the Code of Virginia, Section 23-9.6:2 and the State Council’s Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines and he/she requests to be withdrawn from the college after the census date, the student may elect either to be deleted from the registration file and be awarded a full refund or to be administratively withdrawn with no refund and assigned a grade of “W”. This policy also applies to refunds of Miscellaneous Education fees, General Program fees, Deposits, Auxiliary Services fees, and Student Activity fees to students.
Virginia Peninsula Community College shall provide, at the option of the student, refunds of deposits to be retained and to be applicable to tuition and fees charged in the semester or term in which the student returns to study.
Virginia Peninsula Community College shall process refunds for textbooks according to contractual arrangement with local vendors.
Academic Credits and Grades
Students who are called to active duty or are mobilized, meaning serving in the uniformed services, as described in Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines, will have the opportunity to receive an incomplete grade (“I”) until released from active duty (for reservists) or mobilization (for active military personnel). All course requirements shall be completed within one year from the date of release from active duty or mobilization.
Students may be given the option of taking their examinations prior to regularly scheduled times as an exception to VCCS policy 5.6.1 in accordance with the Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines.
Careful consideration will be given and special options are available for students who receive student financial aid or Veterans Administration benefits.
Virginia Peninsula Community College shall provide, at the option of the student, deposits to be retained and to be applicable to tuition and/or fees charged in the semester or term in which the student returns to study.
Students who are called to active duty or are mobilized will be provided a reasonable opportunity to be reinstated in the same programs of study without having to re-apply for admission if they return to Virginia Peninsula after a cumulative absence of not more than five years so long as the student provides notice of intent to return to the institution not later than three years after the completion of the period of service.
Dissemination of Information
In accordance with the requirements of the Code of Virginia, Section 23-9.6:2, and the Virginia Tuition Relief, Refund, and Reinstatement Guidelines, Virginia Peninsula Community College will make every effort to ensure that the aforementioned VCCS policies relative to tuition relief, refund, academic credit, and reinstatement are well disseminated and carefully explained. Virginia Peninsula has designated the VP of Student Affairs as the office to ensure that these policies are properly disseminated and administered.