Jan 17, 2025  
2024-2025 College Catalog 
2024-2025 College Catalog

Computer-Aided Drafting & Design Technology (729) Associate of Applied Science Degree

Purpose: This degree is designed to prepare individuals with skills to work as designers and Computer-Aided Drafting (CAD) operators. Students also have the opportunity to explore additive manufacturing.

Course Offerings: Computer Aided Drafting and Design (CADD) courses in this program are offered primarily at the Hampton Campus both in the evening and daytime, as well as online.

Special Notes: Completion of CAD 280  Design Capstone Project, is a required part of the program. Students are highly encouraged to seek summer internship opportunities to explore the field of computer-aided drafting and design.

Funding: Students enrolled in this program may be eligible for Get a Skill, Get a Job, Give Back (G3) Funding. Please visit the link provided for information pertaining to grant programs. 

Articulation Agreement: Students who are interested in transferring to Old Dominion University to continue the AAS Computer-Aided Drafting and Design Technology to BS in Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology   plan should meet with Academic Advising early to determine and discuss requirements.


Possible Career Opportunities

In order to review a listing of possible career opportunities available upon completion of this program, please visit the VA Wizard at https://www.vawizard.org/vccs/Main.action.

Semester Total Credits 17

Semester Total Credits 13

Semester Total Credits 3

Semester Total Credits 16/17

Semester Total Credits 14/15

Total Minimum Credits 63/65

Program Information (STEM)

For additional information about this program visit the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics webpage, stop by room 321 Hastings Hall, phone 757-825-2898, or email stemoffice@vpcc.edu.

Students may take courses in the summer session where available. Please consult with an academic advisor to review course scheduling options. Students are encouraged to speak with a financial aid advisor to determine funding eligibility.