Purpose: This degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete a bachelor’s degree in social sciences. By guiding students to an appreciation of different fields of knowledge, the Social Science program attempts to educate the whole person and to increase students’ awareness of themselves, their fellow men and women, and the world around them. Social Science graduates become teachers, economists, psychologists, social workers, political scientists, archaeologists, government workers, museum guides, and researchers, among other types of professionals.
World Language Competency: Students are strongly encouraged to complete a world language, such as Spanish, through the 202-level. Four-year public colleges and universities in Virginia may require successful completion of a world language component, please check with their intended transfer school. Students who completed two or more years of world language in high school may be eligible for advanced course placement at Virginia Peninsula.
Students enrolled in this two-year transfer program may also be eligible for Passport Courses or Uniform Certificate of General Studies consideration. Please review the link provided for more information and meet with your advisor for details.